Contact Information
469 Water Street
Peterborough, Ontario
Canada, K9H 3M2
Telephone: (705)743-6460
Fax: (705)748-2675
Driving directions from Toronto are below the map on the right.
For detailed driving instructions from your location click on the map and you'll be take to MapQuest. |
Directions to Dunn and Dunn
Travelling east on Highway 401, the exit for Peterborough will be Highway 115 and the ramp is just east of Bowmanville (a short distance past Bennett Road). From Highway 115 take the Parkway exit at Peterborough and follow it along until you come to Lansdowne Street (you will have gone through 3 traffic lights at this point). You will see McDonalds on the North East corner. Turn right onto Lansdowne Street.
Follow Lansdowne Street east until you come to George Street/Roger Neilson Way (6th stop light). Turn left (or north) onto George and follow it up until the road makes a sharp turn to the right and then left again. At this point you are still heading north but now on Water Street (a one-way street). Continue north on Water Street until you come to Brock Street (4th stop light). Just after you go through the intersection at Brock Street put your left hand signal on and stay to the left side of Water Street because the driveway to our building (a big 2 1/2 storey Grey brick house) is on the south side of the building and is the 3rd driveway past Brock Street.
Parking at Dunn and Dunn
On-site parking is available on the south side of our building. You will be headed north on George Street approaching our building. Turn into the parking before the building itself. Click on the image below for a more detailed picture if you are unfamiliar with the area.
